REVOLVE cross-fertilises with QV-LIFT

A joint workshop between the H2020 projects REVOLVE and QV-LIFT took place at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh on 4 December 2018. The workshop was attended by partners from both consortia, including from REVOLVE: Thales Alenia Space, Large Space Structures, Prodintec, CNRS and from QV-LIFT: Eutelsat, MBI. The workshop involved a number of presentations from the above mentioned partners as well as an interactive session all focusing on the exploitation of Q/V-band and beyond in future satellite systems. Opportunities that higher mm-wave bands bring to emerging missions were reviewed together with the current technological state of the art and scheduled developments in components such as MMIC components and solid state amplifiers, mm-wave and integrated antennas as well as the management of the feeder link according to the smart gateway concept. Both the QV-LIFT and the REVOLVE projects address technologies at the core of these developments and together with a valuable dissemination opportunity, the workshop presented a platform for ample informal interactions between the two consortia.